Saturday, July 14, 2018

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

It took me forever to finish this book. Not because it was boring but because it was thick of information. With each passing page, I had to pause to take in what I learned.

When I first picked up the book from Cairo book fair last February, I thought it will give me a summary of historical events. However it actually turned out to be about the history of the universe, earth, when the elements you see floating around in the periodic table was discovered, etc.

If you are interested in science, this book is right for you.

It talks about biology, physics, chemistry and the list goes on and on. I honestly don’t know how this book was compiled together with this amount of information.

My live reactions:

I believe that you need a little background in science to understand many of the things mentioned in this book. I am not a science major, but I took biology and chemistry classes in high school and I think it helped a bit. If you are still interested in reading this book (without previous knowledge in science), you can use Google (it helped me a lot).

This book was informative, funny and an eye opener to the wonderful world we live in. 

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