Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Books: friend me (book 1)

Most recently I read this book titled mates, dates, and inflatable bras. it’s the first book from the Mates, Dates series. Its written by cathy Hopkins. The book is basically about a girl trying to answer an important question, ‘what makes me “me” ’. The main girl (Lucy) has a conflict with herself tiring to know who she is and what she wants to do in the future.

Lucy has a best friend named Lzzie, but lzzie has another best friend called Nesta. Lucy feels jealouse from nesta for stealing her best friend(lzzie). Then later in the novel Lucy fall in love with a guy who turns out to be Nesta’s brother. So Lucy starts to give Nesta another chance to be her friend.

Lucy thinks she’s unlucky. She doesn’t look her age. She doesn’t have a boyfriend. She never gets what she wants.

Will that change at the end of the book?

Her mom is a psychotherapist. Will she be able to help her daughter?
Will, here’s a hint: Lucy will be changed into a positive girl by the help of cards.
One thing I hated about this book is the grammar mistake and the missing punctuation

Now I’m off to read book 2 of the series.

More later

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